The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2332 Message #3489671
Posted By: GUEST,Hibernian'sdaughter
12-Mar-13 - 05:06 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Let Her Sleep Under the Bar / Lady in Red
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Let Her Sleep Under the Bar / Lady in Red
Thank you for posting these lyrics. My father sang this song to all of us kids as a lullaby in the 80's and now we all sing it to our own chilren.... Our version is slightly different from the ones i've read above... but i'm not surprised My Pop never had a problem with modifying (making up) any lyrics he couldn't quite remember. He passed away this past December and we are planning a burial service for him at a national cemetery in July. I trying to find a bagpiper and have him play the tune to this song at the service. It might have been a drinking song at its origin, but for me and my siblings it is a sweet memory of my Dad singing us to sleep each night.