The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22581   Message #3489942
Posted By: MGM·Lion
13-Mar-13 - 10:30 AM
Thread Name: Help: Meaning of 'Chicken on a Raft'
Subject: RE: Help: Meaning of 'Chicken on a Raft'
No, Dave. I agree re 'the context of this song'; but we are not only talking of 'the context of this song'. This thread is about the meaning of the phrase, not necessarily purely within that one context ~~ look at its title. I know what it means in Cyril's song, thank you: I knew Cyril too, you know. A respectable online reference work I have consulted [0145 11 March] glosses it marginally differently. I am not gainsaying Cyril's connotation. Simply pointing out that, as you admit, it isn't the only possible one. So what are you both getting your knickers in such a twist about?

Get that?
