The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22581   Message #3490311
Posted By: eddie1
14-Mar-13 - 12:54 PM
Thread Name: Help: Meaning of 'Chicken on a Raft'
Subject: RE: Help: Meaning of 'Chicken on a Raft'
This thread which originally brought back some happy memories of Cyril & Rosemary had descended into the stupid "you said, he said but he didn't really mean what he said or if he did he should have allowed for all the other meanings of what he meant when he said what he said" kind of stupid point scoring which comes up all too often in Mudcat.
This tends to make me ignore Mudcat for some time then I return and see it all happening all over again.

As Tone said very clearly a few posts ago, th OP made it very obvious that he was looking for some help on the song "Chicken on a Raft" written by Cyril Tawney.

Why don't those who have a mind, start another thread entitled "Help: Meaning of 'Chicken on a Raft' (but the phrase, not the pseudo- shantey written by Cyril Tawney)"?

You can then argue to your hearts' content about the various meanings.
