The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #142631   Message #3491359
Posted By: Nigel Paterson
17-Mar-13 - 07:43 AM
Thread Name: Jane's Rainbow: for all needing support & comfort
Subject: RE: Healing thoughts & prayers please (Nigel Paterson)
Amos, thank you for reuniting me with Al Grierson. I haven't seen those words in a long time. You said you couldn't offer much...something of an understatement I think!

Thank you everyone, for being there, for checking in so regularly, for your unstinting loyalty, for your prayers, thoughts, visualisations, music links. You always manage to say the right thing at the right time. I take you with me, where ever I go, a huge flock of Guardian Angels, hovering, holding, protecting, loving.

The Palliative Care Team said that Jane could die at any time. What time does she have left? Minutes, Hours, one knows. Ann & I are spending as much time with her as we can, but now the news is out, relatives & friends are wanting to visit in ever increasing numbers, so time alone with Jane is a precious commodity indeed.
       Stay close, My Dear Friends,
                                                 With Love,
                                                                Nigel & Ann.