The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149360   Message #3491382
Posted By: Jim Carroll
17-Mar-13 - 09:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Israel condemned by UN
Subject: RE: BS: Israel condemned by UN
"Miss R-D's well-known remark"
If you are claiming that the police, judiciary, social workers, and all the others who have warned off drawing racial connotations to cover there own arses, then you are saying that Keith is cringing behind people in responsible positions who have taken the cowards way out on a serious subject and who have nodded through an aspect of racial crimes that needs to be faced head on in all its implications.
On the other hand, it may be the case that, as all of them have said, there is nowhere near enough evidence to place the the blame anywhere and on any particular cultural, racial, social, environmental cause. This was the conclusion of the committee that was set up to examine and report on the causes of these crimes at the beginning of last year. The same committee also added a warning of their findings being used as a racist weapon.
If you and Keith know anything different then you should let us (and them) have it rather than quotes from a prostitute who was also reported to have said "kiss me quick, I'm coming".
Vague accusations like yours may be ironic (I appreciate irony too and realise it can be as effective as an iron bar when used selectively), but in the hands of brain-deads like Keith they can be dangerous, even deadly weapons.
Isn't it time we put a stop to this and go back to kicking the clarts out of each other on Israel's war crimes?
Jim Carroll