The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149360   Message #3491485
Posted By: MGM·Lion
17-Mar-13 - 02:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Israel condemned by UN
Subject: RE: BS: Israel condemned by UN
Well, here's a fine example of Jim's aggressive or dismissive 'when he hasn't got anything else' kind of ad hominem [or in this case ad feminem] argument, the use of which he attempts to refute: ~~

'rather than quotes from a prostitute who was also reported to have said "kiss me quick, I'm coming".'

A very young woman, in the course & hassle of a prominent trial, produced a brilliantly brief but apposite riposte to a pompous counsel's question, such as possible affected the outcome of the trial, and so impressed everybody that it is enshrined in the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, no less.

But she happened to like sex, and even, perish the thought, made her living by indulging this taste and exploiting her youthful attractiveness [she wasn't any sort of street whore, but a successful call-girl among the rich & distinguished who could pick and choose]. So, according to Jim-logic, that means we can absolutely discount her brilliant and apposite apothegm, because a prostitute who liked to come during the course of sexual stimulus ipso facto disqualified anything she said on any topic from consideration.

Oh, come on yourself, Jim ~~ YOU can do better than that, surely!
