The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11468   Message #3491852
Posted By: Jim Dixon
18-Mar-13 - 03:44 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Butter and cheese and all (Greasy Cook)
Subject: Lyr Add: BUTTER AND CHEESE (Bodleian, 1957)
From the Bodleian broadside collection, Firth c.18(274):


I once did serve a gentleman who asked me to sing.
Right well I do assure you I can do no such thing,
But since you've asked me to sing, I'll try what I can do,
And when I come to the chorus, you're all to bawl out too.
You're all to bawl out too, &c.

I once did court a cook; I'll tell you the reason why:
When I did feel hungry, grub she did supply
With plenty of good mutton and a little of fine beef,
And when I felt hungry, she gave great relief.
She gave me great relief, &c.

One night she asked me to supper; I quickly gave consent,
And two or three nights after that, to her master's house I went.
Her master he being away from home, of the cupboard she had keys.
One of my pockets she stuffed with butter, the other with toast and cheese.
The other with toast and cheese, &c.

The supper it being over about half an hour or more,
To my surprise I heard a noise, and a foot came to the door,
And where to hide my shameful face I'm sure I did not know,
So up the chimney I did go, as black as any crow.
As black as any crow, &c.

The fire it being very hot, it began to burn my knees,
Likewise to melt my butter, and also to toast my cheese.
While every drop fell in the fire, it caused such a flare,
The master he being standing by, he swore the devil was there.
He swore the devil was there, &c.

The master then as quick as shot hastened to a rout
To pour some water down the chimney to chase the devil out,
While every drop came down the chimney on my poor skull did fall,
And by my soul, I suffered dearly for my butter and cheese and all.
My butter and cheese and all, &c.

Come all you men that wants a wife, a-courting cooks do go.
Eat your fill but pocket none for fear your overthrow.
For they bundled me out in the midst of the night, my shameful face to show,
Likewise my melted butter, and my face as black's a crow.
And my face as black's a crow, &c.

The dogs did bark and the children roar,
And round me they did squall,
And the ladies out of their windows peep, crying—
There goes butter and cheese and all.
Butter and cheese and all, &c.