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Thread #150009 Message #3492694
Posted By: JohnInKansas
20-Mar-13 - 02:57 PM
Thread Name: Tech: hotmail becomes outlook - groan
Subject: RE: hotmail becomes outlook - groan
Microsoft announced some time ago that Hotmail was to be discontinued and I believe some reports said the name would be changed to Outlook.
The chief difference is that the former Hotmail server(s) are being shut down, and the mail will now come and go on server(s) named Outlook(?).
The switchover is/was supposed to be "automatic" but there haven't been any details about what changes to server settings might be required (or imposed). Microsoft says "trust us."
Previous reports are that existing Hotmail email accounts and addresses will remain usable, but that all new accounts will be called outlook accounts and new user addresses will be outlook addresses.
Some confusion is likely, since "Outlook" has been (and still is) the name for a program you can use to handle email on your own computer, regardless of what email service you use, with a "sister program" that was once called "Mail" but then changed to "Outlook Express" and then changed back to "Mail" that offered "simpler" features than the Outlook program with less "instant messaging" (that in the Outlook program kept turning itself back on every time you turned it off).
The Outlook service is apparently NOT the same thing as the Outlook program and the Outlook service is a subset or adjunct to the "Live Mail" service which is also the name of a program that they can't get anyone to use much since they've never actually told anyone what it is.
The bottom line is that your Hotmail email address will (for now) remain the same and you can continue to use it, but the server you connect to will be a different one (or the same one with a different name and address). You will not be able to get a new Hotmail address but will be able to get a new Outlook account and address that will be pretty much the same thing as a Hotmail one - until they change all the names again the next time.
You may be assured that if you're still confused Microsoft will soon** release full and complete explanations for all the new features that the change will make available to you.
** soon means When Hell Freezes Over, global warming is believed by a Republican, and the Pope sends you your personal invitation to his wedding. (All three are necessary conditions and must all happen, but expect to hear from the Pope first.)