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Thread #149974   Message #3493278
Posted By: Little Hawk
21-Mar-13 - 10:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: What is 'Heaven and Hell'?
Subject: RE: BS: What is 'Heaven and Hell'?
Steve, Steve... ;-) You say that Jack "can't win"? I told you before, it's not about winning! It's about being equal brothers and sisters living in common respect and love for one another, that's what it's about. That doesn't mean playing the usual win/lose scenarios that our world is so afflicted by.

Listen to the closing lines in Bob Dylan's "Gates of Eden" sometime.
There are no trials inside the Gates of Eden...
There are no kings inside the Gates of Eden...
There are no sins inside the Gates of Eden....
And There are no truths outside the Gates of Eden.

That's poetry, it's metaphor about life, and it says something profound. He wrote it when he was only about 25 years old.

"He's not that bloody perfect himself, is he? I mean, just look at all the death, misery, disease, famine, drought and manifold other destructions he so eagerly visits on us all, just because a dame bit into his precious bloody apple. Vindictive sod! And no bloody room for a woman in the triumvirate, is there! (Mind you, perhaps he jibs at the thought of a woman sitting on his right hand...)."

Ahh...I get your drift now, Steve. You're talking about that horrible plastic effigy of God that various people carry about in their heads, specially people who also say they don't believe in God. The old bearded guy on the throne, hurling thunderbolts. Talk about a silly notion! Heck, when I was 5 years old I already knew that no such ridiculous heavenly monster as that could possibly exist, and it bears no resemblance to what I refer to as "God". What it does bear a resemblance to is the very worst type of mortal human patriarch, a violent, cruel individual without mercy, tolerance or compassion, one who has no respect for women, and one who doesn't have the right to rule a pay toilet, let alone the Universe! Anyone who takes the story of Adam and Eve and the apple literally perhaps believes literally in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny and Batman too, because it would be at about the same level of comprehension to do so.

Don't make the common mistake of the more militant type of atheist, Steve, that everyone who believes in God believes in the grotesquely stupid and childish little caricature of God that is carried around in the heads of professional God-botherers such as Mr Dawkins, for whom the religious cup is never anything but "half empty". It's just wishful thinking on their part...they wish that all religious people were as ignorant and foolish as they'd like them to be in order to justify their atheist argument.

(Kind of like how Hitler wished that all Jews were as venal, corrupt, devious, and horrible as he would've liked them to be to justify his argument.)