As usual, Microsoft has changed the names of just about everything, and as usual they've used the names of other things that they previously called by the same names they are now using for the old things that are now called by the new names, using names that duplicate the names of old things, and some of the old things that used to use those names are the same things they still use and call by new names that are the same names that were used for different old things. They are now using the names previously used for some old things that now have new names, while others of the old things that still use the same old names are things which are no longer still used but that you can continue to use if you want to, provided that you don't confuse the old things that always used that old name with the other old things that are now using that name or with the old things that now use another old name from something else that may still use the old name or may now use a different old name.
You'll probably need to read the above at least three times to reach full understanding of Microsoft's recent changes.
Unfortunately, since several people here will only read the first paragraph once and will try to skip ahead, not everyone will know what old thing they're talking about when the think they're describing the old thing that now uses the same name as the old thing that used to use that name instead of the other old thing that has always used that name, and those who respond will talk about the wrong old thing that used to use the name that is now used by the other old thing that now uses the old name.
If it's not, you probably should start over and CONCENTRATE until you understand the situation. Alternatively, you may want to risk proceeding and hope something sinks in.
I'll try to post some further explanation in a next post, due to length of the rant.