The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150071   Message #3495126
Posted By: Steve Shaw
26-Mar-13 - 01:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
Subject: RE: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
The thing that some of you don't seem to understand is that over the last 40 years or so, a lot of religious fundamentalists, the "True Believers" have crossed over to the other side. Unfortunately, many of them have brought their dogmatic mindsets and their obsession with doctrine with them.

Well if this is true (and I seriously doubt that it's a widespread phenomenon, to be honest), I think your analysis here is facile. What are you calling a "dogmatic mindset" exactly? The term sounds suspiciously like a derogatory characterisation of people who like to speak their minds but who you've fallen out intellectually with. Why not call them people of conviction instead? Atheism, whether you like it or not, does not possess dogmatic equivalence with the authoritarian aspects of religious teaching. Actually, apart from our uninterest in God, there is no dogma at all (and even that isn't really dogmatic, as long as you're a real atheist - sorry, McGrath! - who acknowledges doubt). It isn't the right word. Really, calling atheists dogmatic is no more than irritated, aimless lashing out, is it? I'd even quarrel with "mindset". Anyone who has made the sea-change you refer to has smashed their mindset to smithereens. I can hardly think of a more radical conversion, and you can't achieve that by retaining a large part of your previous mental stiffness: you really do have to change everything in your thinking. Perhaps you think that a certain kind of person has mindset-rigidity built into their genes and the trait will manifest itself in whatever walk of life their next hobby-horse rears its head. And perhaps I'll disagree with you.