The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28224   Message #349578
Posted By: jeffp
01-Dec-00 - 09:59 AM
Thread Name: Help: Good thoughts for Dad
Subject: Good thoughts for Dad
As I mentioned in the snogs thread, my Dad is going to have a double bypass operation on Tuesday, the 5th. He's in pretty good shape for a man in his mid-70s, but good thoughts and prayers certainly wouldn't hurt. I talked with him last night and he's pretty upbeat about the whole thing. His main concerns are that he won't be able to drive for a month and it will keep him off the golf course for three months.

They are confident in the surgeon. He's worked on several of their friends. (They're in Florida, probably the bypass capital of the US.) I'm sure everything will be just fine, but some Mudcat help would surely be appreciated.
