The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150086   Message #3497283
Posted By: GUEST
31-Mar-13 - 11:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: Are Atheists really Atheists or......
Subject: RE: BS: Are Atheists really Atheists or......
Actually Futwick expresses more or less some of where i going to come from.Been busy all day so going to just get this up as it is now late here,so might be sloppy.
         Most are arguing about peoples interpretations of a phenomena that mankind has been experiencing forever.Unfortunately not all human beings get to exp this.Millions have and do though..fact.It's obvious that it happens at death for us all...same process, go research it.What is it ?,it's real we all feel it but don't understand this need/pull.Those of us that haven't had it should not fear/ridicule those that have.
          To understand this better you have to think about the energy system of our bodies and how it interacts with the universe.The Eastern traditions have tried to label it as have most traditions.I like to use the kundalini system as a frame as it makes most sense.Something to use to show a structure and a pattern that is impossible to miss when seen without personal baggage,usually religion or fear/disgust of a judging God/Hell,insanity etc gets in the way.Could of used masonic or other traditions frame/tree ..same thing.
          When people use the term Enlightened in the spiritual sense it means the energy system of your body has fired up,strung itself together.The building blocks we all have had hints of, fire in unison.Symptoms are, electrical sensation at base of spine which uncurls runs up your spine to a ring of prickles/pins and needles but pleasurable round your head in a thin band,continuous electric-ish charge.This is why you hear a lot talking about angels in their hair,electrical/magnetic phenomena.All the time it is happening your skin and flesh burns then relieved by flushing rippling cool pleasurable goose/needles.Sort of agony and Ecstasy to it (run with that one)Then the third eye kicks in if it already hasn't, you exp universal lesson/teaching nobody else usually hears views unless in same state of being/consciousness.Lessons/teaching always culturally or personally based,as its you that the truth is for.Your experiences and what you need to understand this universal energetic truth.Some "YMMV" but thats it dumbed down.
             Then after a certain realisation the energy in the heart opens up and floods your bubble (energetic presence).Most instinctively are dropped to the knees in reverence,respect as you instinctively know what it is, and a pleasurable thick column of syncopated/snake like energy runs up the trunk of your body from the ground out of the top of your head cleaning and flushing is the only way to describe it.Then your consciousness jumps up into a higher state,the stark difference between the two states is as startling as two ball pein hammers being smashed together in front of your face.Then Bliss,oneness with everything all human desire gone.All fear gone.Clarity of a beautiful dawn morning,fresh,clean heaven on Earth,your also bathed in an unnatural white radiance that looks almost digital as it almost fizzes/radiates with energy/life..Some say this Enlightened/Natural state is man "pre fall" I find this hard to argue with.
          The state can last from moments to weeks depending on how each person deals with it.Give it or live it, most that try give it lose it due to resistance from their environment.Some apparently manage this but I have doubts.Again those that know YMMV
Enlightenment doesn't mean you know everything,Buddha couldn't strip an engine down,but would if studied sail to the top of the mechanics class,doubt cars would interest him like. (bad analogy) Discernment to dismiss chaff and zero in on relevant due to universal perspective.Doesn't always go right either Manson is Enlightened-ish look at the mess he got himself involved in and the tragedy his energy/influence caused,through self/ego and no discipline.Most of the great military conquerers in history were firing off chakras/energy center's without the crown chakra/capstone/gatekeeper/heavens gate/stairway etc open/negotiated.
             OBE's,third eye spiritual exp,flow etc are not Enlightenment but part of the journey.Study the kundalini dont even practice any of it,just study it then look at all other religions/traditions then you see it intellectually.Had to cover this again as most of the angst comes from fear based on misunderstanding others interpretations of this process, and part process misunderstandings.Passion to "right" things forgetting the cause and effect universal law.Do good cause bad,do bad cause good in response,best do nothing just pass through, witness, leave no holes, replace what you take sort of deal,and we need very little for happiness/survival in reality... a huge part of universal message they ALL get/give.
                What were the greats of the past saying.Here is a few strung together who were all talking about the same thing.Non personal energetic God that has wisdom.Accessing it through selfless love, not human desire, deep love for lover, or family protective deep love, but something higher and universally selfless and eternal.St Francis,Aquinas ,Christ,Buddha,Krishna,Tesla,Reich and too many Artists and Scientists,Thinkers,Philosophers to list.All of our Greats, Giants were tuned to this for periods.Most of these have had the kundalini exp (or part kundalini) to gain this perspective of the non human personal, energy God and how to tune to it.They can only express this gnosis in the confines of their tradition,society,peers and their own worldly human way.This universal energetic truth that reverberates through everything has no human concern in the petty way we view it.We cannot be given this message any better than the multitude of ways it's been delivered.
               Another obstacle the sexual human being has to get past:As a hetro, spiritually affected ppl always made me queasy,once I understood that in a true spiritual state all human desire is gone. Many say its redirected life/force desire channeled differently that is a huge part of the kundalini deal,this too is hard to argue against and explains a lot..When these People exp this unselfish desire-less state of that kind it is not weakness, they are prob the most energetically,constitutionally powerful wisest beings that walk.Hence the religions/traditions who practice celibacy.No discipline sends some mad and depraved, through not zone-ing/praying/meditating right or often enough, just stopping having sex on will power alone without understanding why, and how to let their body use the energy.
                  If what I suggest others have understood is true and becomes a given how do we give this to our kids in the future.Look at the mess Religion has made,my thinking is we don't give them any baggage or interpretations at all.We let Science and "this" come together and study it, don't tinker, just see what stops this energetic process from happening to all of us.Children will grow and like a second puberty it should just happen,you don't need to tell a flower how to flower nature does it.Lets figure out why millions do and millions don't and I think social conditioning represses us energetically.Bad food and water might, wrong frequencies might,if everything reverberates/vibrates thoughts and deeds of negative intent might be a block.I don't know, but to understand God more the Electric uni theory has to be researched more starting with our bodies imo and millions of others opinion, past and present.
             We have to understand that what we have been told about never understanding it whilst in this form, is frankly obvious considering how little we see and know.Even the most Enlightened with gnosis only know to a point.There is still the loving energy just ahead to tune to.So if God is a non personal Energetic God that all negative vibrations (sin) gets burned away the nearer you get.As all say no matter how much of a good life you have lead when this light wash comes in, you run from it's purity, all traditions say shame floods/burns your body and it is a give and take of letting go and letting it in to flush/flesh you out.Truly humbling as you see yourself and every human and our "fall" and how things should be.Again dumbed down but thats the gist, you see and feel your soul and the energetic jail you have imprisoned it in.
             So Atheists and all religions, traditions are going to get this either at death (or in life),as even the bible says you wont get to heaven preaching and from your good works,it's the purity/energy awareness thats in us all that survives physical death and it witnesses all this earthly madness,until connected to, and everything then makes sense they say.
             One final thought on the kundalini, a person with no religious baggage has a choice depending on their slant.During the third eye exp part they can go Christian.Buddhist,Mormon,Space aliens,Fairies etc once past this bit,and it has been negotiated the universal truth is given and it is always the same.Eternal,love,karmic type deal.I buy it, too much evidence.
    Sorry its long but could've been longer, if I second guessed the lazy thinkers and religiously conditioned and qualified everything.

This off the top off my head in a "yeh but have you ever thought about it this way deal".I know, I know nothing but also know neither does anyone else,really.So gave up giving this real thought space a while ago as not many believe anything without personal exp. Just like I was but I witnessed it and have heard too many unconnected witness testimonies with no axes or bibles or dogma's to grind.Thousands and thousands describe the kundalini symptoms all from different traditions from all corners, so it's real and it's where our real wisdom comes from,and always has.If you haven't had this then getting angsty doesn't help us, lets try understand.God kundalini are just words name them something else if it helps.
            What is of no use is banding this process some have as deluded,or mentally ill, although it does send some mad,so kids trying to open their third eyes on youtube is a worry.Secret societies hiding this and using the gnosis to control is a worry.Leaders going off energetically half cocked is a worry.We get to grips with this, as we are going to do to some degree over the coming decades,most of our troubles will start falling away.So I'm in and a belieber just not of a old nasty jealous lunatic father that needs his offspring to die in agony.Although do believe that Christ beat death and the message he gave us is physically real,just impossible to imagine understand fully from our state of being.

We could know more when science sees the wall it is going to hit and has to look at what we have instinctively known from year dot.We are mind body and spirit then we birth into something else.Cool or what.Not trying to change anyones mind just pointing out the madness of arguing over other peoples personal interpretations of something that cannot be fully understood without experiencing it.If it is a two way give and take process is this why faith is important,if no faith and your energetically closed are you the full vessel the bible talks about,how do we become energetically empty vessel's.By clearing the mind first then the rest kicks in,just very hard to do.Buddha nearly died trying to figure it out,and others it just invites itself in so to try understand is madness so I gave up.Plus too many tunes to learn.So if we split mankind into deluded and non deluded depending on thinking something is prob there,I'm with the deluded of all faiths.
             Last thought I used to despair at Billy Graham listen to him now,universal God ...dogma gone, Russel Brand from celeb world is latest. Unlike the much maligned David icke Mr Brand has had full deal and joking about being the new Jesus,shook him up for a while but now processed it,not my taste but same process..scary isn't it, or not, liberating I think. Peace n that