The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150071   Message #3498394
Posted By: Little Hawk
03-Apr-13 - 02:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
Subject: RE: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
Everyone has their own personal religion. Just watch them. You can eventually determine the nature of their religion by the following:

1. What do they habitually attack?

2. What do they habitually defend?

3. And how do they behave toward other people?

Their religion always has a God too....but quite often that God is nothing other than themselves. Their God of Self speaks every time they open their mouths, and they see Him/Her whenever they look in the mirror. Their loyalty to this one God of Self is absolute (although they can get angry or depressed when He or She messes up)! They will have NO other Gods before Him or Her! Specially not the Gods of organized religions. Almost everything in commercial society encourages the development of this One Personal God...and all the fear that goes with it...because that helps sell product! $$$$

Be nice to your Personal God today. Go buy some more stuff at the mall and "pamper" yourself. You deserve it, because you are Number One.