The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150071   Message #3498430
Posted By: Steve Shaw
03-Apr-13 - 03:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
Subject: RE: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
I, in my turn, despise the mindset of atheists and theists who seek to tell others what to believe.

Several things. Atheists do not tell people "what to believe". Believing is a trait that is not within the pantheon of atheism (we do continually try to tell you this, you know). As for seeking to tell people, well now there's a pot calling a kettle black if ever I heard one. 'Tis organised religion that is the expert in telling people what to believe. So much so that organised religion does not believe in education. That would be far too dangerous. Questioning and critical appraisal of evidence, the mainstays of real education, is to be severely discouraged. Organised religion starts telling you, right from the cradle, right through your developing years (when you can't be expected to understand), what you must believe, under pain of excommunication/ostracism/fatwa/honour killing/hellfire. All atheists do, apart from quietly getting on with their lives, is to declare that they require evidence for anything they are told by authority. And that, as far as the alleged existence of God is concerned, that evidence is severely wanting. End of!