The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150071   Message #3498954
Posted By: Steve Shaw
04-Apr-13 - 09:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
Subject: RE: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
Steve, I don't think you give those "poor African savages" the credit due them. It's not one's instruction that makes one able to think for oneself instead of blindly following a leader - it's who one is as a person. I'm quite sure that there are many nonideological people spread throughout the world, even in "darkest Africa."

I'm appalled at your characterisation, which you appear to be attaching to me here, of African women as savages. Time and time again I've stood up here for women in Africa and Latin America. I've attacked with vehemence the teachings of so-called Christians like Mother Teresa who strove to keep women in ignorance and poverty. There is nothing in the make-up of African women, any more than any women, that condemns them to their large families, constant pregnancies and high rates of sexually-transmitted disease. It is men who keep them that way. Their own traditions, their own menfolk and those men in Rome who decree that they will stay just as they are. If Africa is dark then it's us who keep it dark. If the women look like savages it's because men condemn them to look that way. And some of those men you appear to be rather quick to defend.