The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133340   Message #3499425
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
06-Apr-13 - 01:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: GW Bush IS a war criminal!
Subject: RE: BS: GW Bush IS a war criminal!
Quite true, Little Hawk...but in this case, The 'Hate Obama' thread was opened by none other but an Obama supporter!!....and if you read the posts so far, the 'opposition, (if you can call it that) is NOT saying they 'hate' Obama!!..and have voiced an opinion very close to your own.....could it be true, that they still don't have a clue...?
I'm afraid so!....They haven't quite got over the FACT that the Vietnam peace movement, and Civil Rights Movement was co-opted by the Democratic Party, and they think that they all identify with each other!!

Now if only they could put that alluring charisma into their music.....