The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150071   Message #3499518
Posted By: Musket
06-Apr-13 - 07:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
Subject: RE: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
Don't be bloody stupid Sailor Boy, even by your own standards..

Keith, they are strong words which ring hollow when twisted in the way you have done.

We have schools in The UK. The state run schools are by law subject to equal access, regardless of faith, creed, colour, sexual orientation etc. This is covered by The Human Rights Act. The government has allowed state funded schools to express a faith and this is subject to challenge when they are the local state run school. In the meantime, the only way you can assert your legal right to education of your offspring in those areas where such schools are situated is to pretend to go along with their soon to be outlawed dogma.

It is not lying, cheating or anything else. it is ensuring a decent education for your children. And yes Jack, lying about your faith is not a crime as there is nothing tangible under law about it. Most people who call themselves Christians don't actually believe in all that nonsense as being fact, including many clergy. I recall an ex Bishop of Durham getting into hot water for saying the virgin birth, rising from the dead etc was cobblers to amaze ignorant peasants into accepting it as special.

Most politicians pretend to be religious in order to get the hypocritical vote. Most parents of children in faith schools are no more Christian than I am and happily say so.

Hypocrisy has many flavours and the false outrage of you two does you no favours whatsoever. Yeah, Yeah, I'm a Christian. Yeah, Yeah, I am smug. Yeah, Yeah, my words attacking Musket have no christian values contained in them whatsoever.

Jack, you have not been a trustworthy debating partner since you started pushing your beliefs down the throats of people you knew would react.

The only thing despicable here Keith is those who brainwash their children. Yep, I'm proud of the fact my lads were taught how to think rather than what to think.

Sanctimonious twats.