The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150275   Message #3500436
Posted By: Eric the Viking
08-Apr-13 - 08:50 AM
Thread Name: Obit: Margaret Thatcher Dead (1925-2013)
Subject: RE: Obit: Margaret Thatcher Dead
I can't believe the sycophantic, groveling comments on the news as it's being broadcast. She was a mean spirited, nasty woman who thought that greed and personal wealth at all costs was the way forward. Don't forget she took free milk away from five year old children. She, and her ilk, destroyed whole communities. They continue to do so. She oversaw the selling off of everything of value in Britain, putting profit for the shareholders way beyond good service and value for money. She took from the poor and fed the rich no matter which way you look at it. It's a pity she will never be drawn to account for her actions.