The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #149726   Message #3500593
Posted By: Penny S.
08-Apr-13 - 03:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: I don't believe in this, but....
Subject: RE: BS: I don't believe in this, but....
Indeed, almost all well.
Except yesterday, I set off for Meeting, having calculated the time for the journey based on normal conditions.
Then I came up behind a cyclist - the lycra clad sort. Our roads are narrowish, and bendy, with not much opportunity for overtaking. But I got past him. Only to catch up with two cycling abreast, apparently unaware either of me, or the Highway Code. Eventually I passed them. And caught up another, who noted my presence and sped up, before turning off down a side lane. Not much time lost, so far. Then I reached the peleton. Again, not taking notice of the Highway Code, and occupying the whole left lane, until they did get into single file, which was too long for me to get past within the visibility window, bearing in mind I was starting from 10 mph. Quick calculations based on the length of road to be covered under these conditions and the time, and I turned off round a side lane to go home. Only to meet more of them coming rowards me. But at least that is easier to deal with.
I'm sure they had a lovely day out in the sunshine.
I went and did some geology in the village, trying to find where the chalk is, and listening to The Reunion about Dr Who in Radio 4. Which was pleasant, but unsatisfactory, as the chalk is all buried, except where it has been disturbed with water meter installation, revealing some which is not only in very definitely the wrong place, but also the wrong sort of chalk.
Then, in associated research, I carried on with a map on the Ordnance Survey website, where one can save things in the cloud. I have been plotting all the springs shown in East Sussex in order to find the ones which don't fit the usual pattern and resemble one on my Grandad's farm, which he thought would provide enough water for the village, as it never failed, and steamed in winter. There are dozens and dozens of the things, and I had been saving regularly. And then the cloud ate the lot. Days of work. All evaporated.
But it never occurred to me to post about either of these things. The three weeks of quiet have worked wonders.