The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #148194   Message #3500686
Posted By: Richie
08-Apr-13 - 07:17 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Child Ballads: US Versions Part 4
Subject: RE: Origins: Child Ballads: US Versions Part 4
Here's are two parodies of The Grey Cock found in the US:


Text: "Saw ye my hero, George, and Battle of Bunker Hill." Sold wholesale and retail, by L. Deming, No. 62 Hanover Street, Boston, and at Middlebury, Vt. [broadside, n.d.]
      "Lady Washington left Mount Vernon in June, 1778, in expectation of meeting her worthy companion, George; on the 28th of the same month, found her favorite engaged in the battle of Monmouth. She made the following observations."
Tune: Crucifixion, Southern Harmony, p. 25.

   SAW ye my hero,
   saw ye my hero,
Saw ye my hero GEORGE?
   I've travel'd o'er the plain,
   and inquir'd of ev'ry swain,
But no tidings could gain of my George.

   One quickly answer'd,
   I saw not your Hero,
I saw not your Hero, George;
   But I'm told he's in the van,
   where the battle's just began,
But I must hasten my men to the charge.

   Another replied,
   I saw your Hero,
I saw your hero, George;
   I saw him on the plain,
   with his sword drawn in his hand,
Protecting his men in the charge.

   O'er hills and high mountains,
   o'er rivers and fountains,
Where the drums and trumpets sound alarms,
   Heav'n give the angels charge
   to protect my Hero George,
And return him safe back to my arms.

   Hark! the hoarse thunder!
   shakes the earth's centre,
The groans and the clashing of arms;
   Kind heaven prove a friend
   and my Hero George defend,
Shield, protect, and secure him from harms.

   Balls, bombs and langrage,
   groans, death and carnage,
The hills and the caverns resound;
   The fields are cover'd o'er
   with streams of purple gore,
And the dead lie in heaps on the ground.

   But now the loud huzzas
   shout my Hero's praises,
Victorious George, they proclaim!
   Columbia, now prepare
   ye, my loves triumphal car,
And let fame shout my conqueror's name.

   Hail, mighty Hero!
   Columbia's Hero!
Who gave to America peace;
   Long may he live renown'd
   and with brilliant honors crown'd
Till complete in the mansions of bliss.

   Text: Anonymous, early 19c.
   Tune: Crucifixion, Southern Harmony, p. 25.

   Saw ye my Savior,
   saw ye my Savior,
Saw ye my Savior and God?
   Oh! he died on Calvary,
   To atone for you and me,
And to purchase our pardon with blood.

   He was extended,
   he was extended,
Painfully nailed to the cross;
   Here he bowed his head and died;
   Thus my Lord was crucified,
To atone for a world that was lost.

   Jesus hung bleeding,
   Jesus hung bleeding,
Three dreadful hours in pain,
   And the solid rocks-were rent,
   Through creation's vast extent,
When the Jews crucified the God-man.

   Darkness prevailed,
   darkness prevailed,
Darkness prevail'd o'er the land,
   And the sun refused to shine,
   When his majesty divine,
Was derided, insulted and slain.

   When it was finish'd,
   When it was finish'd
And the atonement was made,
   He was taken by the great,
   And embalm'd with spices sweet,
And was in a new sepulchre laid.

   Hail, mighty Savior!
   hail, mighty Savior!
Prince, and the Author of peace!
   Oh! he burst the bars of death,
   And, triumphant from the earth,
He ascended to mansions of bliss.

   There interceding,
   there interceding,
Pleading that sinners may live;
   Crying, "Father, I have died;
   Oh, behold my hands and side!
Oh, forgive them! I pray thee, forgive!"

   "I will forgive them,
   I will forgive them
When they repent and believe;
   Let them now return to thee,
   And be reconciled to me,
And salvation they all shall receive."
