The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150244   Message #3500718
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
08-Apr-13 - 09:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama Hate Thread...
Subject: RE: BS: Obama Hate Thread...
Your posts, both of you, are yet another example of what I was just posting about dodging the questions. Are you FINALLY admitting that your bullshit arguments have run out of stink??

My contention is that Obama, by continuing Bush's policies, and NOT undoing some of Bush's executive orders, wars, implementation of NDAA, holding onto the 'Patriot Act' etc etc, is not only a reason NOT to hate Obama, but to recognize that the 'difference' between them, is mostly illusion, and neither represent the people or intentions of the people who support(s/ed) them. You've made excuses for the present President's 'behavior', even when it goes against what he said he stands for, or what you say YOU stand for!..but like controlled creatures of habit, you just keep doing it, instead of taking an honest look at it, and saying to yourselves, "Now hold on, wait a minute...maybe I find myself contradicting what I say I believe in, maybe I'm tired of telling lies, and playing stupid on his behalf, when he is betraying me, and saying one thing but doing another"....The 'Conservatives' started to have that flash about Bush even before his second term. As far as the 'right' being more correct than the 'left' or vice verse, your behavior patterns are identical...and they(your controllers) count on in doing so, NOTHING gets changed!...except the AMOUNT of control you submit yourselves to be under...What the fuck happened to independent thinking??...and as 'artists', THAT should bug the hell out of you!!!
But NO!! lower yourselves to a lesser level of intelligence, and try encouraging people to do the same!...What the fuck is wrong with you two???
Now I don't expect either of you guys to answer, but hopefully it's given you some food for reflection and introspection.
One good thing that could come out of it, is it works to break the creative block, and get your minds to work a little higher than wasting its energy thinking up of half witted excuses, that keep running out of steam!!!

Hoping the Best!