The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150251   Message #3502105
Posted By: MGM·Lion
12-Apr-13 - 01:43 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Rose-Briar Motif
Subject: RE: Origins: Rose-Briar Motif
Sometimes, tho, the lovers are buried in one grave, to imply even closer connections in life ~~ even, where there has been rivalry, all three concerned: in some versions of Lord Thomas & Fair Annet*, Child #73, social implications even arise in the proposed disposal of the corpse, (as in some versions of Little Musgrave/Mattie Groves, #81, &c,) whereby the one of 'the nobler kin' must be buried in the most favourable position. This is one of the conventions parodied in Villikins And His Dinah, who were 'laid in one grave', for the sake of which a doggerel rhyme is contrived, making her mourning father first 's[i]ng a short stave'. It is not always realised btw that there is a burlesque element even in the form of the eponymous father's 'comic-Cockney' name ~~ he was actually, of course, called Wilkins.


*I have often wondered btw why Child chose that title, as she is far more frequently called Elinor.