The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150339   Message #3502951
Posted By: gnu
13-Apr-13 - 06:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Who are the editors here?
Subject: RE: BS: Who are the editors here?
Some reasonable discussion. It is truly welcome.

I would like to encourage Joe and the other elves to change the titles more liberally,.... they do as they see fit.

If you open a thread, it seems reasonable that you also have the option to ask it be closed... certainly, but it still is the mods' call.

the question was "spirituality" vs "spiritualism"... no, it was NOT. THAT is another thread. Read this thread first.

Never disagree with Gnu. He is RIGHT!... bullshit! Just once, prove me wrong and don't get a heartfelt apology when I understand I am in error. It would behoove many of you to become a gentleman in this regard and, more imprortantly, to respect the discussion at hand as it was intended and post what OBVIOUSLY belongs on a different thread to THAT thread or start a new one and not toatally fuck up someone else's thread. My goodness you blood thirsty holier than thou fuckers are simply apalling! Especially when you join the other chickens in the flock pecking at the chicken that appears weak. Ever watch chickens? Every now and then one will peck another one in the back of the head for no good reason. If it gets stunned and falters, the rest of the chickens will join in and peck it to death and eat it.

Flock off ya birds of a feather. I am a gnu. A gentle, dumb animal. And I am a Wildebeeste when attacked. Wildebeestes kill lions. They merely get annoyed by fowl. And youse are foul.

In closing, I'd just like to recap what I have tried to impart herein and on a number of threads lately... flock off ya bunch chickenshits.
Does this really consume you that much? Ya got fuck all better ta do? Or fuck all better ta say?