The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150344   Message #3502958
Posted By: Ed T
13-Apr-13 - 07:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bob Dylan theologian?
Subject: RE: BS: Bob Dylan theologian?
""Dylan has himself said in interviews that his songwriting was never influenced in its content by drugs...and I believe him...but that the purpose the drugs served for him in the mid-60s was simply to give him the physical energy he needed to deal with an incredible grueling touring schedule""

I don't know, LH, possibly so, I suspect more likely not so (considering the era and industry). I do recall many entertainers and famous people saying similar things about drugs (including alcohol), denying their impact or influence. I have no reason to believe Dylan more than the other folks. People who deal with additions will tell you that at some point it is difficult to separate the two, and often the people involved are in denial and see reality last, if ever.

However, I was not "dising" the guy for using drugs (even when he wrote).It is just a part of that inductry. And, don't get me wrong, money and songs never concerned me.