The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150301   Message #3503343
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
14-Apr-13 - 03:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Spiritualism as opposed to religion?
Subject: RE: BS: Spiritualism as opposed to religion?
"Jack the Sailor sez: What I would love to see is a debate among moderates."

Sigh, Steve,

Jack the Sailor Posted a Quote of Frans de Waal saying that.

If you had only taken the time to read to the end of the paragraph. Look, his name is there and everything!

What I would love to see is a debate among moderates. Perhaps it is an illusion that this can be achieved on the Internet, given how it magnifies disagreements, but I do think that most people will be open to a debate that respects both the beliefs held by many and the triumphs of science. There is no obligation for non-religious people to hate religion, and many believers are open to interrogating their own convictions. If the radicals on both ends are unable to talk with each other, this should not keep the rest of us from doing so.
Frans de Waal

Its time to bring out that other quote again. Of course being a "poor listener" you still don't get it. You don't read to comprehend, you simply skim looking for phrases to snip and attack. That makes it difficult to debate you but pretty easy to demonstrate over and over again that you are exactly the type of militant atheist dogmatist Dr. de Waal is describing.

Dogmatists have one advantage: they are poor listeners. This ensures sparkling conversations when different kinds of them get together the way male birds gather at "leks" to display splendid plumage for visiting females. It almost makes one believe in the "argumentative theory," according to which human reasoning didn't evolve for the sake of truth, but rather to shine in discussion.