The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150071   Message #3503606
Posted By: Steve Shaw
15-Apr-13 - 05:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
Subject: RE: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
Because it is YOUR RELIGION AND YOUR Child. It is your right...

Well, by that logic it would be no-one's business but yours if you decided to bring up your child in a religion that demanded they be sacrificed to the gods at 14, or that your daughter should undergo genital mutilation at some point during her childhood. I am saying that (without shrill, the attribution of which quality anyone who knows me personally would find laughable), by telling your children that God is true and is a huge exception to the need to apply critical thinking and the demand for evidence, you are potentially damaging them intellectually just as much as sacrifices and mutilations damage them physically. This is a challenge to you that you can't just shrug off by saying it's my kid and I'll do what I like. When they grow up, your kids go into bigger society and that affects far more people than you, them and your family. And don't tell me that a religious upbringing is a benign thing when you live in a country in which almost half the population deny evolution, in which near-lunatics with a cockeyed religious message receive mass adulation, in which abortion doctors live in fear of their lives thanks to religious zealotry and in which a President can publicly invoke God in justification for starting a criminal war. Not so benign, and you don't get off the hook by saying that you brought up your kid that way and, because of your interventions, they survived. The obvious riposte to that is , why did you put them through it in the first place? Why didn't you ,from the outset, educate them to be free thinkers? Yeah, your child, your right. Your child has rights too, and one of the key ones is the right to education. Last time I looked, that didn't mean some education with big exceptions. Telling your child that evidence-innocent mythology is truth (and that people who tell you otherwise are simply being shrill, or militant, or something like that) is no part of education by any definition I've ever seen. In fact, it's anti-education.