The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150071   Message #3503678
Posted By: Steve Shaw
15-Apr-13 - 09:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
Subject: RE: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
The questions you put are insane unrealistic jabberings of a dyed in the wool brainwashed Dawkinsist. There are no realistic answers.

Because they are too awkward for you?

All kids get "indoctrinated".

Oh no you don't, old chap. There you go again with a back-door attempt to equate faith with non-faith. My kids were not indoctrinated in any way (which isn't to say I never made any mistakes in bringing 'em up). Indoctrination is the sole preserve of people who deal in unsupportable certainty. I'm perfectly prepared to accept that there is a way of being a religious family in which children are not indoctrinated. But there are plenty more who do indulge.

They learn a lot more from what you do and say in life than what some preacher or some rude pop science author tells them.

Indeed. And what you do may include herding them to church and sticking them in a faith school.

Kids will find their own way, in this information rich society it is inevitable.

But Jack. You and your ilk have been doing things the same way, bringing up your kids to not question the tenets of faith, for thousands of years. The information age has been with us for hardly more than a generation out of all that time. Good job the information age came along to let you off your moral hook then, eh? Just carry on the same old way and google will sort your kids out then! Phew, what a philosophy!