The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150071   Message #3504204
Posted By: GUEST,Blandiver
16-Apr-13 - 09:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
Subject: RE: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
If you think that you are challenging millions of believers when you post anything here, you better have yer doc check your meds.

Indeed, but what you are challenging is the idea that these beliefs have any sort of objective currency and are somehow worthy of our respect. If people choose to believe that God favours them for believing in system of centuries old misanthropic horse-chocolate written by the loopy scribes of yore then that's their beeswax. Out here in the real world, the Earth turns on a godless axis and even the most militant Atheist must surely delight in the fact that we're all in this together, regardless of what lies & bullshit religion has been feeding us all these aeons.

Atheism is not a religion; it is the recognition of the objective, common reality we all share regardless. It is a lingering epiphany of liberation born of science, enquiry, and a true thirst for knowledge which ran us up such blind alleys centuries ago when we couldn't but look at a sunrise without ripping the guts out the nearest virgin by way of veneration. The religious find comfort in such blind alleys; they thrive in their foetid piss-reeking darkness, peering out in sanctimonious terror at the roaring highway of human progress in all its dynamic glory convinced that it's a highway to hell. Maybe it is at that; but there's no turning back...

(Please note: No offence at any single individual was intended during the composing of the above post. It was written in good humour in celebration of (as the poet said) the sheer sharp excellence we all of us share in simply being alive in the first place.)