The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150417 Message #3504588
Posted By: Richie
16-Apr-13 - 10:49 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Child Ballads: US Versions Part 5
Subject: Origins: Child Ballads: US Versions Part 5
I'm starting a new thread because Part 4 was getting long. Thanks to everyone who has contributed.
I've starting putting all or most of all the US versions in my book collection. I've completed Child 201-274 and I'm now on "Our Goodman" Child 274.
Does anyone know how I can get in touch wiht Joe Hickerson?
Also I'm not sure about the US blues versions. I've got 4 of them. In 1927 Blind Lemon Jefferson recorded "Laboring Man Away from Home" which was unissed. Then he recorded "Cat Man Blues" in 1929.
Are these the same song?
A cover(?) of Cat Man Blues was sung by Piedmont blueman Blind Boy Fuller. It was recorded on 29th April, 1936, Vocalion Vo 03134, Re-issued on Document CD Blind Boy Fuller, Volume 2, Document DOCD-5092.
Who should get credit for the song Cat Man Blues? Any details would be appreciated.
I have the lyrics to both. Any other blues? I also have "Wake Up Baby" by Sonny Boy II.