The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150417 Message #3504993
Posted By: Steve Gardham
17-Apr-13 - 04:55 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Child Ballads: US Versions Part 5
Subject: RE: Origins: Child Ballads: US Versions Part 5
The Jacobite Song is almost verbatim the version in Johnson's Musical Miscellany and Herd. This variety is found in many Scottish collections up to the present, some from oral tradition, with little variation. Verse 11 appears to be a localised addition. It would require a check through all of the many Scottish versions to see if it is unique. A printed source is very likely. As the variant was in print with tune in the 18thc it would have been popular in the drawing room. Some English versions seem to have been popularised in this way also.