The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150251   Message #3505484
Posted By: MGM·Lion
18-Apr-13 - 05:22 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Rose-Briar Motif
Subject: RE: Origins: Rose-Briar Motif
"...the motif was added to Barbara Allen ... after Childs" SJL 02.22pm
Dubious. Oddly it does not appear in any of Child's main entry on the ballad; which,indeed, for so widespread a ballad, gives remarkably few versions, and only mentions Pepys' having heard it in C17 in passing. But Bronson has it in the vast majority of the versions he gives, mostly, unsurprisingly, of a later date than Child; but note particularly his attribution of his version #159, which contains it: "Sung by Mrs Chandler, Farmington, St Francis County, Mo, 1912; from her mother, who learned it from an aunt." If it was traceable in a family for two generations back from 1912, that will surely demonstrate that the motif existed in the ballad well prior to the time Child was compiling, rather than being "added ...after". And his version #103, from Roan Mountains, NC, was published in Journal of American Folklore, vol VI, in 1893, so must date before that in tradition. It seems, therefore, that although Child did not include the motif, it can scarcely be convincingly sustained that it was 'added to Barbara Allen after Child'.
