The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150071   Message #3507600
Posted By: Musket
23-Apr-13 - 06:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
Subject: RE: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
Quick! Make sure you don't get paranoid!!! Get your bible out and start praying in case that Anti Christ zoology practitioner starts infecting your mind!!!!!!!!!!

"female genital mutilation is a grievous wrong.

Sunday school is not."

From your viewpoint. From the viewpoint of many cultures, it may be the other way around. Either way, it is using religion as a convenient cover for inflicting control on minors. Children can flourish without the lies and guilt you know. Many do.

I get it. Atheism is like other religions to you. It needs pushing away so your Christian vision is the prevailing one. You appear capable of throwing together sentences with words of more than two syllables. How did it screw your mind so much that you can defend goodness as being coupled with religion whilst dismissing other religion as savage?   I have news for you. Lack of religion is neither one nor the other.

It is reason. It is enjoying life for what you see now, not what was promised in the next impossible stage by those wishing to control you. It is life without the hang up, guilt or bastardisation of the word sin.

A fecking men.