The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150358   Message #3508063
Posted By: AKS
24-Apr-13 - 02:54 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Karelian folk song: orphan boy's revenge
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Karelian folk song: orphan boy's revenge
OK, here's the draft, I have kept the Finnish word order (mostly) – so you get some idea of what word means what.

from Suomen kansan vanhat runot, I/2/945:
(Old Runes of the Finnish Folk)
in Uhtua (now Kalevala), 6th of July 1872
on "Kalevan pojan kosto" 'Kaleva's son's revenge', as "sung" by Arhippa Hilipänpoika Ohvokainen (c. 1820–1890)
collected by A. Berner

Tuo kaunis Kalervon poika        / that beautiful Kalervo's son
Kaupattih on Karjalaha        / was traded (as) is into Karelia
Vienahan Venäjän moalla        / into Viena* on Russian soil
Kahtee kattilah ranihe        / for two worn out kettles
Viiteh viikate kuluhe        / for five dull scythes
Kuutee kuokan ruopivohe        / for six well used grubs

Tuo kaunis Kalervon poika        / that beautiful Kalervo's son
Jopa noin sanoiksi virkki        / right thus into words spoke out
"Kulla työllä uusi orja        / to what labour the new slave (shall be set)
Roavolla rahan alaini?"        / to toil the one worth money

Pantih lapsen katsojiksi        / (he) was set to care the cild
"Syötä lasta, syö itseki        / feed the child, eat yourself
Katso lasta, kaiva silmä"        / watch the child, dig an eye (=be careful)
Syötti lasta, söi itseki        / fed the child, ate himself
Katso lasta, kaivo silmän        / watched the child, dug an eye

Jopa noin sanoiksi virkki        / right thus into words spoke out
"Kull' on työllä uusi orja        / to what labour the new slave
Roavolla rahan alaini?"        / to toil the one worth money

Pantih nuotan soutajiksi        / (he) was set the seine to row
Hänpä näin sanoiksi virkki        / he this into words spoke out
"Soutanenko väen takoa        / shall I row with all/full strength
Vain souan asun mukaha"        / or shall I row as needed (lit. 'according to form')

Vetäjä on Venarin poika        / hauler is Venari's son
Perimies Pelasen poika        / steersman Pelanen's son
Hänpä noin sanoiksi virkki        / he thus into words spoke out
"Mikä siitä soutajasta        / what is that rower
Kuin ei soua väen takoa        / who does not row with all strength
Kuin soutaa asun mukahe"        / but rows as needed

Souti hankat hajalla        / (he) rowed the oarlocks asunder
Levitti lesen venehen        / widened the (whole) boat
Katajaiset koaret katko        / junipery ribs (he) did snap off

Itse noin sanoiksi virkki        / himself so into words spoke out
"Kull' on työllä uusi orja        / to what labour the new slave
Roavolla rahan alaini?"        / to toil the one worth money

Pantih häntä tarpojiksi        / (he) was set to drive the fish (into sein by beating water with a pole)
Hänpä noin sanoiksi virkki        / he so into words spoke out
"Tarponenko väen takoa        / shall I beat with all strength
Vain tarvon asun mukahan?"        / or shall I beat as needed

Vetäjä on Venarin poika        / hauler is Venari's son
Perimies Pelasen poika        / steersman Pelanen's son
Jop' on sanoiksi virkki        / right thus into words spoke out
"Mikä siit' on tarpojasta        / what is that beater
Kun ei tarvo väen takoa        / who does not beat with all strength
Kuin tarpou asun mukaha"        / but beats as needed

Honkan varreksi hotasi        / a pine for helve (he) grabbed
Pani poajen tarpomeksi        / put a flag (of stone) (at the end, to finish a tool called tarvoin)
Tarpo nuotan tappurahe        / beat the seine into (a bundle of) tow
Vejen velliksi sevotti        / water into pap stirred
Kalat liivakse litsotti        / fishes into jelly pounded
Kalojah hän käsin kantoi        / fishes he by hand carried

Itse noin sanoikse virkki        / himself so into words spoke out
"Kull' on työllä uusi orja        / to what labour the new slave
Roavolla rahan alaini?"        / to toil the one worth money

Pantih hänt' kasen ajoho        / (he) was set to cut a kaski**
Leikkai puuta kaksi, kolme        / cutted down trees two three
Itse nousi kannon peähä        / himself rose on (the head of) a stump
"Kuni huuto kuulunohe        / as far away as (my) cry is heard
Sini kaski koatukohe        / thither shall kaski be cut down
Älkä vesa venykkä        / shall no sprig stretch itself
Älkä kanto kasvakka        / shall no stump grow (new sprigs)
Olen hyvän ottakka        / may it take (=grow) good straw
Vain älkä terää tekkä        / (but may it) only no head make
Kasessa Kalervon poijan        / in kaski of Kalervo's son

Itse noin sanoiksi virkki        / himself that into words spoke out
"Kulla työllä uusi orja        / to what labour the new slave
Roavolla rahan alaini?"        / to toil the one worth money

Pantih häntä paimeneksi        / (he) was set to be herdsman
Viijen vitan vartihaksi        / five twigs to guard
Puun kaheksan katsojaksi        / trees eight to watch over
Mäni päivä männiköllä        / went by a day on pine barren
Kului päivä kuusikolla        / passed a day in spruce forest
Vieri vehnä koivikolla        / strolled rascal in birch wood
Karkasi katajikolla        / escaped on junipery (meadow)

Jo emäntä koista huusi        / (already) mistress from home cried
"Aik' on syyvä uuven orjan        / time (it) is to eat for the new slave
Ravita rahan alaisen"        / to foster (himself) the one worth money

Veti veitsehe kivehe        / drove his knife into stone
Karahutti kallivoho        / struck onto rock
"Syöjätär paha emäntä        / ogress evil lady (of the house)
Kiven leipo leipähäni        / a stone baked into my bread
Vehnän peälitse veteli        / wheat over it spread
Vejin veitseni kivehe        / I drove my knife into stone
Karahutin kallivoho"        / struck onto rock

Itse noin sanoiksi virkki        / himself so into words spoke out
"Millä maksan naisen naurun        / with what shall I pay back woman's laughter
Naisen naurun, piian pilkan        / woman's laughter, maiden's mockery
Emännän pahan piännän        / mistress's bad treatment
Millä jaksan, sillä maksan"        / with what I am clever at, with that shall I pay

Jo emäntä koista huuti        / (already) mistress from home cried
"Mist' on paimen pillin soanut        / whence has the herdsman a whistle gotten
Rautivo rahasen torven?"        / the smith a high-priced horn

Jätti lehmäset leholla        / (he) left the cows on the grove
Maion antajat aholla        / milk-givers on the clearing
Hatasarvet hoavikolla        / small-horned ones on aspen grove
Kultasarvet kuusikolla        / gold-horned in spruce forest
Ajoi köllit kotihe        / drove the bruins*** home
Karhut kirjokartanohe        / bears to ornamented mansion

"Oi sie entini emäntä        / oh thou old (pre-existent) mistress
Tule lehmies lypsämähe        / come milk your cows
Roavahis roavittamahe        / your neats to stroke
Vaikeitas valuttamahe!"        / your difficult ones to (make milk) flow
Mäni lehmies lypsämähe        / (she) went her cows to milk
Roavahia rovittamahe        / neats to stroke
Vaikeita valuttamahe        / difficult ones to flow

Susi peällä suimastihe        / a wolf onto her jumped
Karhu peällä koamistihe        / a bear on top rushed
Jalan reijestä revitti        / leg from the thigh on slashed
Käen katkoi kalovehesta        / arm broke upto armpit
Kiskoi karvat kinttuloista        / teared hair off the shanks

Hän noin sanoiksi virkki        / she thus into words spoke out
"Oi Ukko ylijumala        / oh Ukko supreme god
Eli toatto taivahini        / or old man heavenly
Nossa pilvi luotehesta        / raise a cloud from the north-west
Toini kohta koilisesta        / another soon from the north-east
Tapa sie Kalervon poika        / kill thou Kalervo's son
Rakehilla rautasilla        / with hails of iron
Niekloilla teräsnenillä!"        / with nails steel-nosed

Hänpä joutu kuulomassa        / he happened to overhear
Itse noin sanoiksi virkki        / himself thus into words spoke out
"Oi Ukko ylijumala        / oh Ukko supreme god
Toatto taivon valtivoija        / old man heaven's ruler
Nossa pilvi luotehesta        / raise a cloud from the north-west
Toini lännestä lähetä        / another from west send
Vihmu vettä taivosesta        / drizzle water from heaven
Mettä pilvistä pirota        / juice (lit. honey) from clouds sprinkle
Jott' ei tukki tulta ottais        / that log would not take fire
Vänttä veäntäisi savuo        / crooked (firewood) would (not) turn into smoke
Suurena sotakesänä        / in great war summer
Vainovuonna vaikiena."        / in the year of persecution hard

(the rest of the verses in the "fragment" belong rather to "Ison härän runo" 'Big Bull's Rune')

* Viena = Finnish name for the area where northern dialect of Karelian is (was?) spoken, in English White (Sea) Karelia, I think
** kaski = patch of woodland cleared for cultivation by cutting the trees and burning the brush piles
*** bear, (ursus arctos) has numerous euphemisms in Finnish; even "official" karhu /rough, hairy/ is one

have fun