The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150071   Message #3508309
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
24-Apr-13 - 02:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
Subject: RE: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
Ian Mather tell me please what incentive there is for anyone on this forum to protect your persona of Musket, when you repeatedly tell us that is its sole purpose is so that you can protect yourself from the consequences of verbally abusing us?

If Musket cares one whit about the reputation of Ian Mather. He had best end his quixotic quest or keep a more civil tongue. If you want to continue to abuse people, keep switching names as Krinkle does or find a more covert way to protect your identity. Continuing as you are with your English pals occasionally and consistently calling you "Ian" or "Mather" is no protection at all. If either you or Musket think that any journalist worth their salt could not put you two together you really need a reality check.

Here are the terms and conditions of the

"Anonymity and Guest Posting are permitted.

You are free to be anything you want EXCEPT unkind, impolite, argumentative, snooty, or either FOR or AGAINST that of-what-we-do-not-speak.

Be aware of what personal information you decide to share within the forum. It is public. Unlike Facebook, there is NO PRIVACY at all.

We care about your safety but we are not in the business of protecting you. Your kind and civil behavior is your best protection."

Does it say anything about protecting personae specifically created to be unkind and uncivil? What should your expectations be about having your unkindness and incivility protected?

This is not the friendly little sandbox you wish it to be. I know that from hard experience. Max has warned you. I have warned you. Heed the warnings.