The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150251   Message #3509339
Posted By: Steve Gardham
26-Apr-13 - 04:08 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Rose-Briar Motif
Subject: RE: Origins: Rose-Briar Motif
Could some kind Mudelf please put Jim out of his misery for me. The link works perfectly well for me every time. I think you're pulling my leg, Jim.

Kidson collected 'Mutton Pie' from a T. C. Smith in Scarborough. Last time I looked Scarborough was in Yorkshire! I'm well aware of a few variants in Lincolnshire and the West and North Ridings. A relative of mine , Mo Ogg, from Lincolnshire had a version. It doesn't appear in any of the big collections from the likes of Sharp and such a distribution hardly puts it into the league of such as 'Dark-eyed Sailor', 'Green Bushes','Indian Lass','Seventeen Come Sunday', those well-known components of the national corpus.

Where does your Liverpool info come from?