The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150417 Message #3509688
Posted By: Jim Carroll
27-Apr-13 - 02:46 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Child Ballads: US Versions Part 5
Subject: RE: Origins: Child Ballads: US Versions Part 5
Not for the sensitive Jim Carroll
TH' OWD CHAP CAME OWER THE BANK. From the singing of Harold Sladen, Openshaw, Manchester, Easter 1934.
Th' owd chap came ower the bank bawling for his tea Saw a pair of mucky clogs where his owd clogs should be Come Here wife, come here wife, what's this here I see, How come this pair of mucky clogs where my owd clogs should be ? Oh you owd bugger, you daft bugger, it's plain as plain can be They're just a couple of pickle jars me owd mam sent to me Oh I've been ower hills and dales me lass, and many a grassy moor, But girt hob-nails on pickle jars I've never seen before.
Th' owd chap came ower the bank bawling for his tea Saw a coat on back o' t' door where his owd coat should be, Come here wife, come here wife, what's this here I see How come this coat on t' back o' t' door where my owd coat should be ? 0 you owd bugger, you daft bugger, it's plain as plain can be, It's just an owd pudding cloth me owd mam sent to me. Oh I've been ower hills and dales me lass and many a grassy moor. But buttons on a pudding cloth I've never seen before.
Th' owd chap came ower the bank bawling for his tea Saw a head on t' pillow where his owd head should be Come here wife, come here wife, what's this here I see How come this head on t' pillow where my owd head should be ? Oh you owd bugger, you daft bugger, it's plain as plain can be That's just a girt big turnip me owd mam sent to me, I've been ower hills and dales me lass and many a grassy moor But a girt big turnip full of teeth I've never seen before.
T' owd chap come ower the bank bawling for his tea Saw a pair of hairy cods where his owd cods should be Come here wife, come here wife, what's this here I see How come this pair of hairy cods where my owd cods should be Oh you owd bugger, you daft bugger, it's plain as plain can be, They're just a couple of garden spuds me owd mam sent to me Oh I've been ower hills and dales me lass and many a grassy moor But garden spuds with airs on I never saw before.
T' owd chap come ower the bank bawling for his tea Saw a great big standing prick where his owd prick should be Come here wife, come here wife, what's this here I see How come this girt big standing prick where my owd prick should be Oh you owd bugger, you daft bugger it's plain as plain can be It's just a home grown carrot me owd mam sent to me Oh I've been ower hills and dales me lass and manv a grassy moor But a carrot diggin' a girt big hoyle I never seen before