The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150486   Message #3512200
Posted By: Suzy Sock Puppet
06-May-13 - 01:35 PM
Thread Name: Insects and Music
Subject: RE: Insects and Music
My Dear Lord Futwick,

I have not heard from you in a while. I hope all is well.

I have a lovely story to share with you about my grandson who, as you well know, is the light of my life. We were playing outside and a bee came by. Because of his mother's fear and loathing of all insects, Carter began to panic. I told him that bees do not bother people unless people try to hurt them. Just to prove my point. I moved near the spot where the bee was until I was only about a foot away. And I continued to sit there close to where the bee was going about his business. Then I told Carter (very smart 3 yr. old) that bees are here to help everything grow. Later on, I overheard him asking his other grandmother "Mema, do you like bees?" Mema replied no, as in, of course not! To which Carter replied confidently, "Bubbe does!"

So there you have it dear cousin. I have done my good deed for our tiny little friends :-)

By the way, does that village idiot still call you Lord Fuckwit? Normally I would prescribe discipline but you know how it is with fools. They have license to say whatever they please. Tradition. And you have to admit, it was funny!

I hope to hear from you soon.


                                     Lady Hounsibelle