The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28325   Message #351222
Posted By: DonMeixner
04-Dec-00 - 02:21 PM
Thread Name: Help: Autoharps
Subject: RE: Help: Autoharps
I have modified many AutoHarpsforpeople with problem fingers. Myself included. While I will admit to the versatility to the 21 Bar I find them cumbersome for me to play with my large and somewhat disadvanged fingers. I find the 15 Bar to be more easy to move about on. If I need more selection in chords I grab another harp set up for that purpose. Is this costly? Yup. But then so is a first rate guitar. I find that the Harp is a good instrument for the "I can't play an instrument crowd". The hardeset thing to do to get moving is tuning. Get a chromatic tuner. There are affordable options to buying specially made harps. Search Autoharps in the forum and Rick Fielding, myself, and others have covered this subject before and probably would again.
