The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150071   Message #3512725
Posted By: John P
07-May-13 - 04:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
Subject: RE: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
Part of the Oxford English Dictionary definition of the word 'atheism' is 'the belief that there is no God'.

Sorry, but this does nothing except display our society's penchant for assuming that belief in god is the normal default position.

Why is it so hard for people to understand? Atheism is the LACK of belief. 'The belief that there is no God' is an oxymoron, and, at this point in the conversation, an offensive one.

I don't have a belief in god. I don't have a belief in not-God. I don't have beliefs in this sense at all. I am very comfortable stating that there is without doubt no God, at least not as defined by most major religions. I don't give a rat's ass about proper scientific ways of putting things. I'm not a scientist and I don't need to talk like one. Since there is exactly no evidence for God, and a vast amount of evidence for not-God, I have to conclude that there is no God. This is not a belief. It is a conclusion based on the evidence. Please, please, please, stop it with your "atheism is a belief system" bullshit. It's rude, egotistical, and reveals you as someone who can't think coherently. Give it up.

Don't you understand that this is part of why so many people don't have any patience with Christians? Is being a jerk supposed to make other people think the better of your religion?