The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150718   Message #3513165
Posted By: Artful Codger
08-May-13 - 05:25 PM
Thread Name: windows 8 microsoft admit failure
Subject: RE: windows 8 microsoft admit failure
The problem is that they want PCs to resemble phones and touchpads, but if I wanted that kind of interface, I'd just get a touchpad and ditch the computer altogether. I like having a large screen, a clean (fingerprintless) screen, and visible controls I don't have to remember cryptic sequences to access. I'm an adult, and I have other things to do with my time than to relearn how to do basic stuff each time they come out with some snazzy new design concept I could care less about. My parents become completely befuddled every time they're forced to "upgrade" their systems to a new version, where everything has been rearranged primarily to make it look like the OS now does things "better".

I particularly hate how everything has gone icon-mad. There's little standardization, so one has to learn (and relearn, with each new interface release) what goofy symbols mean what. And the detail differences are often so small you need to put a magnifying glass up to the screen to distinguish them. To overcome this, they then blow up the icon size, which means you have less room for actual content and waste more of your time hovering or scrolling. Good grief, is this really progress??