The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150071   Message #3513853
Posted By: Steve Shaw
11-May-13 - 10:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
Subject: RE: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
"everyday laws of physics" steve? despite ploughing through an admittedly difficult article on wiki about chemical evolution it was apparent to me that despite numerous models, pasteurs confidence in his work finally discounting abiogenesis remains well founded.maybe you can do better steve?

I suggest you stick to sentences of eight words or fewer. That lot is a stream of inane and unconnected ideas. I'm wrestling with two things here: how you of all people can claim to have ploughed through a scientific article (read "Origin" yet, have we?), and what Louis Pasteur has to do with it. Can I do better than him? Well, I'm told he was a lousy harmonica player...

and while you are about it demonstrate the needed increase in information supposedly arising from mutations.last i heard loss and reshuffling are about the sum of it.

You don't get this stuff, pete, as you have oft been told. Let's just say that a mutation giving rise to a novelty is, indeed, "new information" for natural selection to get its teeth into. It wasn't there before, it's genetic "information" so it's new information. It's in addition to the "old information" that's still there, so it's all part of a process of accumulating "information". I mean, surely a man who can plough through a difficult article on chemical evolution should be able to see that? heheh. You clearly do not understand the concept of accumulation over long periods of beneficial mutations. Of course, you wouldn't would you, as you believe that the world began just a little while before Noah and his ark.   

maybe you can do better than dawkins who was stumped by the question,eventually only giving an evasive answer.

I commend any of Dawkins's best-known books as a good read on genetics for the intelligent layperson. There is no evasion because there is no need for evasion. Give me your specific source for any of his "evasions" and I'll happily demolish you.

after that you can tell me again that there is no evidence for a maker and designer?.

Absolutely not a scrap. You're worse than those God Of The Gaps fellows: you insert God even where there's no gap.