The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150244   Message #3513874
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
11-May-13 - 11:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama Hate Thread...
Subject: RE: BS: Obama Hate Thread...
BENGHAZI!!....How can you 'hate' Obama??...We LOVE to be lied to...We LOVE it when our foreign diplomats call for help, and are ignored...and die at the hands of our enemies...then the Administrations minions lie to us, and the world at the makes us feel good, and proud, and strong.....MSNBC won't even carry the story...because in reality, they are NOT a news source...but rather a public relations firm, for this Administration.
No wonder the left has been so ill-informed.
ABC, finally is covering it, and uncovered the edited 'talking points' memos. Next, SHOULD be the e-mails.
The 'so-called' liberals, will say that this is an attempt to smear the Bush's hack, and corrupt bankster darling, Hilary is ALL smoke in mirrors.
....and the guy who made the 'video that started it' (according to the lies), is still in jail....for, of all things, bank fraud!...ain't that a slick twist!!...while the banking moguls who have defrauded the nation are running free, and telling the Administration what they will allow them to bring about a corporate/bankster/government tyranny.
Way to go!
Don't you just LOVE these guys???