The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150417 Message #3514112
Posted By: Jim Carroll
12-May-13 - 03:22 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Child Ballads: US Versions Part 5
Subject: RE: Origins: Child Ballads: US Versions Part 5
"Jim- perhaps Steve was commenting on my post rather than yours" 'Fraid he wasn't Richie - he specifically referred to me, and it's part of an ongoing battle which both of us feel strongly about. Personally, I'm happy when anybody's work is examined and questioned when it's done in those terms, but I have become very tired of innuendo and the suggestion that some researchers and singers were being in some way deliberately dishonest in what they do (or did - grave-dancing seems to be very much a part of what we do). If you have reservations about somebody's work you specify what those reservations are rather than set out to undermine their work by suggesting they are being or have been dishonest. I would have thought that the starting point of any such discussion is that they might simply be "wrong" rather than "lying". "I'd be very interested in seeing Ennis's version for its own sake." I heard him sing it once (not in public), but I'm not sure it was ever recorded by anybody. I think Bronson refers to it somewhere; I'll look it out. Jim Carroll