The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150244   Message #3514178
Posted By: Bobert
12-May-13 - 09:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama Hate Thread...
Subject: RE: BS: Obama Hate Thread...
Yes, GfinS, they do and guess what??? Lot's of stuff that happens doesn't get sorted out for weeks or even months... And some of the stuff is outright wrong... And some conjecture by an annalist... Benghazi is a prime example...

What you and your Republican buddies are doing here is playing "Monday morning quarterback"... I mean, everyone has 20/20 hindsight...

"Man, that quarterback shouldn't have thrown that interception..."


Let's get real here...

Take the Beirut bombing under Reagan... Where was all this righteous indignation after it???

Iran/Contra??? Same...

Even 9 fucking 11... You didn't see all this pure politicization of tragedy by the Dems in either of those cases...

The Iraq War???

I mean, let's keep this in some perspective least you and your Republican buddies look like the whiner/washrag.crybabies that ya'll very much look and sound like...

Hippocrates, all of you