The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150697   Message #3514777
Posted By: GUEST,Rick Turner
13-May-13 - 07:20 PM
Thread Name: Bob Brozman legal issues
Subject: RE: Bob Brozman legal issues (NOT obit)
Among luthier forums, the most informative are those which require that people post using their real names. Next down the list are those forums where some do and some don't...with the credible tilt going to those folks who don't hide behind false names or cute nicknames. In my experience, the worst flamers and trolls are those who hide their identity behind handles.

How about "Don't say anything you wouldn't want attributed directly to you."   And I'd include moderators in that as well. Stand and be counted or stay silent.

Personally, I think the use of handles is incredibly immature. Yeah, and I got the secret decoder ring in MY box of Wheaties, and you didn't...neener, neener, neener...

The inner sanctum can be a mighty boring place. I've seen "folkier than thou" attitudes ruin scenes for a good 50 years now, and I hope this is not the same old, same old syndrome here...

And, SRS, I'd suggest moderation should be applied with...moderation...and not foul language...particularly in a discussion as loaded as this one is and has been. Your job is to be above the fray, not in the depths of it.

Obviously this whole Brozman thing has polarized a community that has not had this serious a situation arise before quite like this has. It calls out for restraint at the same time that it calls out for the truth to be revealed. Descending into a vituperous pit yields nothing but more poison.