The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150071   Message #3515288
Posted By: Steve Shaw
15-May-13 - 09:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
Subject: RE: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
But evolution is true, even though you keep telling me I shouldn't be saying it. That can only mean you don't think it's true. Evolution is true, and the theory of evolution by natural selection is a superb and comprehensive explanation of it. That is not to say that the explanation can never be tweaked (perish the thought) as new knowledge comes to light, or that new mechanisms won't be discovered, but evolution happens and no-one will ever credibly overturn the fact. It simply isn't possible any more. Now that's what I think, and I care not a jot for your nit-pickings over what I've said before. I'm really happy to clarify that for you. It might not be what you think but it's what I think, which you've known all along you annoying bugger, and I have no time for your displays of philosophical musings over the meaning of science. Call me Mr Philistine for that, but the problem here is that your interventions rarely have anything to do with the substantive matter to hand. Start a thread on the philosophy of science and I really, really promise not to bug you.