The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150071   Message #3517568
Posted By: Steve Shaw
21-May-13 - 09:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
Subject: RE: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
C'mon, Steve. Pete hasn't abused anybody. He's always been very gentle and polite. He simply disagrees with scientists who are proponents of evolution (which may well be "every scientist who ever lived") - but that's not abuse. It's just disagreement. I tend to side with the scientists; but Pete has a right to an opinion, and he expresses his opinion humbly, quietly, and politely.

Well now, let's take a look a this. "He hasn't abused anybody"? Never abused "evolutionists" or "evangelical darwinists", huh? This man firmly sets his face against rational argument, reason and the honest hard work of scientists. He has his own story, eyes tight shut, and nothing else counts. All the indulgence and niceness he's encountered here has not changed his disreputable views one jot. Well I have a scientific background and I find that to be offensive and abusive. This man does no work to arrive at his prejudiced opinion bar listening to similarly-stupid people and taking a fatuously-literal view of the Bible. He sneers at every single piece of hard-won evidence ever gleaned by hard-working scientists that doesn't chime with his received "wisdom", yet has done nothing himself except for consorting with carefully-selected fellow-travellers on the lunatic fringe. He is not humble and his politeness is a very thin veneer (he isn't even polite enough to type reasonable English). Of course he is entitled to his prejudices. But he is not entitled to peddle them here and expect not to be shot down. Don't let him fool you. Soft faces, hard cases.