The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150071   Message #3518183
Posted By: Steve Shaw
22-May-13 - 06:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
Subject: RE: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
i can hardly be dissing just about every scientist that ever lived,since most of them have been creationist.

Ridiculous. Untrue, ridiculous, and you're a liar.

i am not even dissing evolutionist scientists.not accepting their conclusions is not dissing them.

Yes it is. You ignore honestly-garnered evidence and replace it with your own deluded received wisdom. You insult science and scientists by so doing. They work hard while you and your disgraceful ilk are content to be lazy, deceitful and prejudiced bastards.

steve and some others seem to think it fair game to diss creationists,ID,s and other darwin doubters.

We certainly do. Do you know why? Because they spout ignorance, they diss science and they ignore, nay, refute, rock-solid evidence. That is disreputable, dishonest and downright nonsensical.

i have presented some evidences that demonstrate the fact that darwinism is way short of explaning how its theory can work and the answer steve gives is evasion and attempted intimidation.

Oh really? Well dearie me! I must have missed it! Do apprise us again of this evidence of yours. I can't wait!

he has a science qualification and i respect that,but i am certain that he holds a rigid worldview at least as fervently as mine.

Your respect means nothing to me. It is nice to see you admit that you have a rigid world view (whatever that means - I doubt very much whether you know). As for mine, well I play tunes, dig my garden, go for bike rides, cook nice food, help out where I can in my community and so on. Your certainty about what you see as my "world view" hardly surprises me. You are the bloody expert, after all, when it comes to having certainty without a scrap of evidence.