The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150071   Message #3518605
Posted By: Steve Shaw
23-May-13 - 08:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
Subject: RE: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
Steve, on the matter of your attitude to the philosophy of science, I quoted you directly. You have repeatedly banged on that "Evolution is true" because the overwhelming weight of evidence proves it.

Er, hang on a mo. I've just spotted this little beauty. I have posted God knows how many times to assert that science never "proves" anything. What I have said, and what you appear to be too lily-livered to agree with, is that the fact of evolution is supported by such a large body of evidence that it cannot be overturned. Not in every detail, of course. There is much still to be tweaked and many gaps of evidence to fill in. But that evolution happens cannot be gainsaid. Now you either agree with this or you don't (hello, pete). If you do, then you agree that evolution is true. Evolution is not science (we'll let the theory hang on to that mantle), it's a phenomenon that is as true as night following day is true. It is a truth that is beautifully explained by Darwin's theory (which, in itself, has been elegantly bolstered by all the evidence that has accumulated since the first edition of his book). Now, like the man who went to his doctor complaining that he couldn't pronounce his Fs and THs, I can't say fairer than that then. Nighty-night.